Update July 24, 2012: you may also be interested in
- Startup Lessons Learned Conference 2011 Coverage Roundup
- Entrepreneurs Need a Community of Practice, Not a Movement
The Startup Lessons Learned Conference (#sllconf) was Friday April 23rd, 2010. This post is an effort to capture press coverage and blog commentary on the conference that will be of use to entrepreneurs. I will update it periodically through the end of May 2010 as I become aware of new blog posts. Please feel free to contact me and suggest a post you have found useful.
The conference was streamed live to more than 60 locations by Justin.tv, their video archive is at http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/all If you missed the conference and are planning to watch the videos I would encourage you to read this blog post first: “Tips for Getting the Most Out of the Startup Lessons Learned Conference (SLLConf)”
Welcome and Opening
by Eric Ries, Startup Lessons Learned Blog
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqSUn17sJzw
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262656024 ) - slides http://www.slideshare.net/startuplessonslearned/2010-04-23-startup-lessons-learned-conference-welcome-slides-by-eric-ries-sllconf
- Sarah Allen “Lean Startup Keynote“
Keynote: To Agility, and Beyond
by Kent Beck, Three Rivers Institute
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4qldY0g_dI
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262656520 ) - slides http://www.slideshare.net/KentBeck/to-agility-and-beyond
- Kent Beck “The Learn/Measure/Build Cycle“
- William Pietri “Responsible Technical Debt: Not An Oxymoron” (Part 2: “Lean Startup Kanban Board“)
- Steve Freeman “Not a Charter for Hackers“
- Sarah Allen “Beyond Agile Development” and “Finding the Itchy Spot“
- Osma Ahvenlampi “A New Lean Startup Manifesto“
- Eric Santos “Revisando o Manifesto Ágil – notas da palestra do Kent Beck na SLLConf“
Continuous Deployment Case Study: WiredReach
by Ash Maurya, Cloudflare
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ajz9bBJqI
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262656299 ) - slides http://www.slideshare.net/ashmaurya/continuous-deployment-startup-lessons-learned
Agile Development Case Study: Grockit
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUH6-Tc9yGI
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262658135 ) - slides (not yet) http://twitter.com/farbood/status/12829836776
Case Study: But Does It Scale?
by James Birchler, Brett G. Durrett, and Tim Fitz, IMVU
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAw7xK3uGpU
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262659233 ) - slides: “IMVU: But Does it Scale?“
Panel “But What About Design?”
- moderator: Dave McClure, 500 Hats; panelists:
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDiBraAvEfU
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262665259 )
Conversation: “Getting to Plan B”
with Eric Ries and Randy Komisar, KPCB
- video never made available; alternate video Stanford E-Corner “Getting to Plan B“
- Silicon Valley Entrepreneur interview on “Getting to Plan B“
- Books discussed: “Monk and the Riddle” and “Getting to Plan B“
- MIT/SMR “A Business Plan? Or a Journey to Plan B?” (in particular see worksheet examples)
- VentureBeat “Randy Komisar: Maybe Web Startups Don’t Need Venture Capital“
- Dave Concannon’s “Book Review of Getting to Plan B“
Minimum Viable Product Case Study: Aardvark
by Damon Horowitz and Max Ventilla of Aardvark/Google
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LeNL4OJDnQ
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262666394 ) - WSJ: “Why Startups Must Pay Attention to What’s Behind the Curtain“
- Aardvark “Anatomy of a Large Scale Social Search Engine“
Pivot Case Study: Flowtown
by Ethan Bloch and Dan Martell of Flowtown
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgaFR3ZxxQ
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262667025 ) - slides: “Pivot Case Study: Flowtown“
Pivot Case Study: KISSMetrics
- video not recovered from justin.tv
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262668427 ) - slide http://www.slideshare.net/hnshah/kissmetrics-case-study-about-pivots
Customer Development 2.0: Why Accountants Don’t Run Startups
by Steve Blank
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMKV8_zopwY
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262670582 ) - slides http://www.slideshare.net/sblank/why-accountants-dont-run-startups-sllc
- Sarah Allen “Startups Search for a Business Model“
- Venture Hacks “Two Great Talks from SLLConf“
- Sean Murphy “Steve Blank Plans to Crowdsource E-Schools“
- Alexander Mimram “If You Want to Start a Startup Leave Your MBA Behind“
Is Customer Development Marketing? Food on the Table Case Study
by Manuel Rosso, Food on the Table
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgT3_R9J65w
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262671499 - slides http://www.slideshare.net/startuplessonslearned/food-on-the-table-case-study-at-sllconf-by-manuel-rosso
- Paul Trebilco “Startup Lesson #1“
Customer Development Case Study: Dropbox
by Drew Houston, Dropbox
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9hg-mUx8sE
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262672510 ) - slides http://www.slideshare.net/gueste94e4c/dropbox-startup-lessons-learned-3836587
- PPT http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2/Dropbox%20-%20Startup%20Lessons%20Learned.ppt
- Joshua Porter “Search Engines Don’t Create Intent, They Harvest It“
Customer Development Case Study: PBWorks
by David Weekly, PBworks
- video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geF6AIOLkRI
(was http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262673321 ) - slides: “PBWorks Case Study at SLLConf“
Customer Development Panel: But Who Should Actually Get Out of the Building?
- moderator Sean Ellis, 12in6; Panelists:
- video not recovered from justin.tv
http://www.justin.tv/startuplessonslearned/b/262674992 - Brant Cooper “Intermediate MVPs“
Summaries & Overviews That Apply to More Than One Talk or Session
- Startup Lessons Learned Conference Notes – Fri, April 23, 2010 by Troy Angrignon, (@troyangrignon), Ali Sohani (@alisohani), Grishma Govani (@strangeloops), Sarah Allen (@ultrasaurus), Kevin Donaldson et. al.
- Kevin Donaldson “Summary of Startup Lessons Learned Conference“
- Mathew Mahoney “Twitter Recap of Startup Lessons Learned Conference“
- NYT: “The Rise of the Fleet Footed Startup“
- Nathan Artz “Tricks Learned from Startups Lessons Learned Conference“
- SLLConf on slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/sllconf
- Adam Wiggins “Startup Lessons Learned“
- Steve Blank “Woodstock for Entrepreneurs: the Startup Lessons Learned Conference“
- Anand Rajaram “Drinking from the Fire-hose – Lessons I learned from the Startup Lessons Learned Conference : Part 1“
- Michael Denomy “Startup Lessons Learned Conference“
- Deyan Vitanov “What’s Bugging Me About the Lean Startup: Promoting a Mindset of Marginal Incrementalism“
- Kurt Carr “My Lessons Learned” Intro, Part 1, Part2
- Alan Cooper “To Pivot, Or Not To Pivot“
- Richard Jordan “Live Blogging Startup Lessons Learned Conference“
- Damien Detcherry “Review of the lean start up conference: ‘Start up lessons, San Francisco, April 23rd, 2010’“
- Tristan Kromer “Top Takeaway From Startup Lessons Learned“
- Tristan Kromer “Customer Development with Network Effects“
Remote Sites Recap
- Mathew Mamet “Startup Lessons Learned in Boston“
- Desmond Pieri “I did not learn anything new at Friday’s Lean Startup Conference; And that’s good!“
- Start Europe “STARTup Lounge Vienna #1 Roundup“
I will update this list periodically through the end of May 2010 as I become aware of new blog posts. Please feel free to contact me and suggest a post you have found useful.
Pingback: SKMurphy » Tips For Geting the Most out of SLLConf (Live or Streaming)
Wow, this is very handy. Thanks for putting this together!
Fantastic roundup! I started doing a similar post myself and thankfully found this before I got too far into it. It was great to meet you in person finally.
Man, there goes my weekend. Thanks for sharing! ;-)
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Pingback: Startup Lessons Learned Conference Coverage Roundup « Gorilla. Dove. Skunk. Lab.
Pingback: SKMurphy » Steve Blank Plans to Crowdsource E-Schools
Pingback: STARTup Lounge Vienna #1 Roundup | STARTeurope
Pingback: Top Takeaway - Startup Lessons Learned | startupSQUARE's blog
Pingback: Book Review: Getting to Plan B | Dave Concannon
It’s a long list to read, but well worth it.
Thanks for compiling!
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