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Quotes for Entrepreneurs collected in October 2011
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“Real achievement comes from racing ahead when no one else sees a path–and holding back when the rush isn’t going where you want to go.”
Seth Godin in “Run Your Own Race“
More context
If you’re going to count on the competition to bring out your best work, you’ve surrendered control over your most important asset. Real achievement comes from racing ahead when no one else sees a path–and holding back when the rush isn’t going where you want to go.
If you’re dependent on competition then you’re counting on the quality of those that show up to determine how well you’ll do. Worse, you’ve signed up for a career of faux death matches as the only way to do your best work.
Self motivation is and always will be the most important form of motivation.
Seth Godin in “Run Your Own Race“
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“My inbox is like a sunken ship filled with gold. Yikes! Need to be better at getting things into my to do list.”
Chris Miller
I like this “sunken ship filled with gold” metaphor.
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“He who stops being better stops being good.”
Oliver Cromwell
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“Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all of the difference.”
Mignon McLaughlin
I originally used this in “Hello 2008” my inaugural post for 2008.
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“Find a Problem so Bad That People Pay You To Solve It and Let You Keep the Software”
Bill Paseman(paraphrased from his LinkedIn profile) see “Find a Problem So Bad that People Pay You to Solve It and Let You Keep the Software“)
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“In a world of hyper-abundant content, point of view will become the scarcest of resources…”
Paul Saffo “It’s the Context, Stupid“
Originally from a March 1994 Wired article “It’s the Context, Stupid“, more context:
“It is not content but context that will matter most a decade or so from now. The scarce resource will not be stuff, but point of view. […]
The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching, and sense-making tools we will rely on to navigate through the expanses of cyberspace. […]
“Point of view” is that quintessentially human solution to information overload, an intuitive process of reducing things to an essential relevant and manageable minimum. Point of view is what successful media have trafficked in for centuries. Books are merely the congealed point of view of their authors, and we buy newspapers for the editorial point of view that shapes their content. We watch particular TV anchors for their point of view, and we take or ignore movie advice from our friends based on their point of view.
In a world of hyperabundant content, point of view will become the scarcest of resources, and we will race to model human points of view within the personalities of our software agents.”
Paul Saffo in “It’s the Context, Stupid“
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“True remorse is never just regret over consequence; it is regret over motive.”
Mignon McLaughlin
I used this as my closing quote to “Learning from Netflix”
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“Experience comprises illusions lost, rather than wisdom gained.”
Joseph Roux
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“The future isn’t measured by years or technology, but by how it disagrees with the past about what is and what is not important.”
Carlos Bueno “Steampunk, Progress, and You“
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“Ideas are easy to come by but reduction to practice is an arduous but inspirationally rewarding matter.”
Buckminster Fuller in “Critical Path“
In running this down I came across the “Fuller Map,” a great overview of Fuller’s work.
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“The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.”
Edwin Schlossberg
h/t Jim Flowers (@startwithmoxie)
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“Nothing ventured, something lost.”
Neale Clapp
I mentioned this in “Success for a Bootstrapper”
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“Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.”
Edwin Land
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“Entrepreneurs sell because they need to meet a payroll not a quota.”
Sean Murphy
My critique of Rain Today’s “Entrepreneurial Selling” course. I realized the third time that I heard someone mention “make your quota” in the promo videos I realized that this was not the entrepreneurial selling I was familiar with.
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“We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic.”
Cullen Hightower