12 Books For the Busy CEO Tonight (Mon Dec-11-2006) @ SDForum

12 Books For the Busy CEO: spend an hour and leave with a summary of key marketing insights and some rules of thumb for successful innovation in Silicon Valley. You might even identify one or two books that you haven’t read that will be worth your time over the Christmas holidays. I will cover twelve books that form the basis for conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley for marketing discontinuous or disruptive products.

12 Books For the Busy CEO Mon Dec-11-2006 @ SDForum

  1. The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen
  2. Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore
  3. Inside the Tornado by Geoffrey Moore
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker
  5. Marketing High Technology by William Davidow
  6. Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steve Blank
  7. Jumpstart Your Business Brain by Doug Hall
  8. E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
  9. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim & R. Mauborgne
  10. Influence The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
  11. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout
  12. Secrets of Consulting by Gerald Weinberg

Twelve Business Books in One Hour for the Busy CEO
Monday, Dec 11 6:30PM at DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary LLP
2000 University Ave.(University Circle) East Palo Alto, CA 94303
No charge for SDForum Members, $15 for non-members

For more info on the SDForum Marketing SIG see http://www.sdforum.org/sigs/marketing

I’ve enjoyed chairing the Marketing SIG for 2006 with K. V. Rao (we actually started work in October 2005 planning for our first program in January 2006: “DotCom to DotBust to Web 2.0” with David Thompson).

After tonight we turn over our duties to two capable new chairs: Ed Buckingham and Filomena U. Please come to December meeting and offer them your suggestions and assistance on programs for 2007.

Update: feedback on the talk is here and pdf of the slides

13 thoughts on “12 Books For the Busy CEO Tonight (Mon Dec-11-2006) @ SDForum”

  1. Pingback: SKMurphy ? June 2006 SDForum Interview

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  4. Pingback: SKMurphy » 12 Books For the Busy CEO - Feedback

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  13. Pingback: SKMurphy, Inc. Jerry Weinberg interview - SKMurphy, Inc.

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