Looking for a co-founder?
Speed Dating for Co-founders is the Fast, Fun and Guaranteed way for entrepreneurs to meet – live and in person. You’ll have 8 one-on-one conversions that last 10 minutes each. Speed Dating for Co-founders is a fast, fun, and comfortable way to meet a large number of people like you looking for co-founders.
- over 98% of our customers tell us that they enjoy our events.
- over 90% meet someone who they want to see again.
- over 60% of the time the interest is mutual, leading to followup conversions.
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Our Philosophy
Finding a co-founder is a challenge and one of the biggest indicators for long-term success. In an effort to help the startup community and provide entrepreneurs with a more effective to meet other entrepreneurs we developed our model after the Jewish SpeedDating®. Meeting face-to-face having a serious conversion and starting small can lead to great things! Starting with one small joint project and building trust slowly works. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have expanded their networks and found co-founders because they either met at a Speed Dating for Co-founders or Bootstrapper’s Breakfast events.
One great resource is Inc’s http://www.inc.com/guides/leadership_strat/23041.html