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Quotes for Entrepreneurs Collected in February 2010
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“When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary.”
William Wrigley Jr. in a 1931 interview in “The American Magazine”
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I really like this definition. I first used it on this blog 2006 in “Thoughts on Perseverance and Promises,” but I had collected it for my home page at Cisco in 2000 as part of “Ten Quotes To Help You Bring Order Out of Chaos.” I took it from a 1998 article by Zhivago called “The Promise Keeper.”
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“Plans are made, unmade, revised, and recast through action and interaction with others on a daily basis.”
Saras Sarasvathy
See also “Saras Sarasvathy’s Effectual Reasoning Model for Expert Entrepreneurs”
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“Ask for input only if you plan to do something with it or about it.”
Richard Moran “Nuts, Bolts, and Jolts“
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“Simple ain’t easy.”
Thelonious Monk
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“One competitor to customer development is a co-founder’s belief that product development, in and of itself, creates value.”
Sean Murphy
See also “Customer Development Proceeds in Parallel with Product Development”
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“Sometimes I am blocked by things I can see, other times by things I cannot. Too often, it’s just my fear of the unknown.”
Sean Murphy in “Iron Bars, Plexiglass, and Masking Tape“
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“From a distance you look like an aircraft carrier, but as you get closer it becomes clear you are really a thousand canoes. ”
Rick Munden recounting a vendor’s description of TI
I think most organizations behave more like a large school of small fish than a whale. I can remember watching a school of neon tetras dart to and fro in my father’s 30 gallon aquarium. They would suddenly change direction but I could never tell why or how they decided. I suspect a lot of phenomena are like that, they frolic in plain view but beyond our understanding, like the invisible ineffable cues that a school of fish use to synchronize their
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“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Thomas Edison
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“The surest way to be cheated is to think oneself cleverer than other people.”
La Rochefoucauld
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