Feed Readers De-Mystified at Sep-23 Lunch & Learn Webinar
I will be giving a short presentation on “Feed Readers De-Mystified–Tips For Keeping Informed” at the September 23 Lunch & Learn Webinar hosted by People on the Go.
- Cost: No Charge
- When: Thursday, September 23, 2010 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM PDT
- Register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/151449787
I will outline some important ways to monitor information about your business and industry on the web. The web has become the primary medium of business communication and information gathering: it is imperative that you learn to monitor new developments and relevant events for your job or business. We will explore a range of tools and time saving tips to keep abreast within your industry of clients, competitors, and relevant developments. This session will explore:
- Popular Feed Readers
- How they can help you stay current
- Limitations and Shortcomings
- Demo of the tools including
Information and Intelligence is a great overview by Dorai Thodla. I like his five phase model for intelligence gathering and will address the first two–discovery and tracking–in my presentation:
There are about five stages in this process. This is a spiral model where you continuously enhance/refine every step based on what you learn from other steps.
- Discovery – Discovering Relevant sources of Information
- Tracking – Continuously monitoring these sources and discovering more in the process.
- Filtering – Filtering the noise and gaining the information most relevant to your business
- Extracting – Transforming information from free form into some kind of useful structure to distribute internally.
- Sharing – Sharing information at different levels of granularity, refining it and deriving actionable intelligence.
Some related blog posts
- Theresa Shafer’s “Survey of Personalized News Aggregators“
- SKMurphy’s EDA Knowledge Portal Announcement
- Dorai Thodla on “Information and Intelligence“
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