Conor Neill has a great post up today on “a 9 Step Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert” courtesy of the London Speakers Bureau. I am not usually a fan of infographics but this is exceptionally well done. Expert public speaking requires deliberate practice the same as any other skill. Here are some key tips I took away for entrepreneurs from the list but the entire infographic is worth a look.
Nine Tips For Expert Public Speaking
I have summarized what I thought were some of the key points and elaborated on a few based on my own experience.
Relevant to your audience
Eloquent with clear language
Articulate with clear thinking
Learned offering an expert perspective - Structure you talk by starting with an overview and ending with a summary. If it’s a long talk summarize at the end of each section and again at the end.
- Rehearse enough to be fluid, but don’t memorize so that it sounds canned.
- Do at least two dry runs before one other person or a small audience, this can also be over the phone.
- Drink water well before the talk (30 to 90 minutes).
- Take a bio break a few minutes before the talk and do one last wardrobe check.
- Don’t cross your arms or adopt the headwaiter post (one arm folded across your waist or chest.
- Pause at the beginning and periodically for effect.
- Only speak when you are looking at someone: eye contact keeps you naturally conversational. It’s OK to look at notes or the screen to help jog your memory, but only speak when you are looking at a person.
Three Ways To Extend Your Speech Beyond the Room
- Develop an article as a leave behind, often more effective than slides
- Record the talk and blog it including the audio.
- Have the talk transcribed and publish an edited transcript to complement the article and the audio.
You Have Four Ways To Generate Leads
- What you say.
- What you write.
- What other people say or write about you.
- Getting found when prospects are looking.
Public speaking can have a significant impact on your lead generation. A well prepared speech with an associated deck and article as leave behind is an asset, find ways to give it to at least three different audiences.