Our November 2015 newsletter highlights referrals, which we define as an introduction inspired by your ability to help the prospect with a problem or need.
SKMurphy November 2015 Newsletter: Referrals
This blog post summarizes our November newsletter, you can subscribe to the monthly SKMurphy newsletter using the form at the right
Referrals / Thanksgiving
November is the month that Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States so we thought the theme for this month’s newsletter should be referrals. For clarity we define referral as an introduction to a prospect from a customer or another business that is primarily inspired by their belief in your ability to help the prospect with a problem or need. Here are four articles chock full of suggestions for how to stimulate referrals.
Building a strong referral base is critical to every entrepreneur. A referral is an introduction to a prospect with an endorsement. They come from shared success with your customers or colleagues, someone who knows your potential and can vouch for you or your team’s ability to deliver.
Networking and referrals continue to be the primary marketing strategy for many community-based small businesses (especially those with limited budgets). In contrast, many technology-oriented small businesses rely more upon on-line forums, social networking sites, user groups, etc. to reach potential customers.
Q: I have been consulting for a two years. My initial clients have been two former employers (including my most recent) and three people I met at professional society events. In talking to more experienced consultants they stress the value of referrals.
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