Another time capsule post: this one is an archive of a profile I had on the UnderTheOak wiki in the early 2000s that was maintained by Matt Simpson (wiki now offline).
Remembering 2003
I took a leave of absence from Cisco in April 2003 and started exploring my next steps, formally separating in August 2003. It was nuclear winter in Silicon Valley. The DotCom boom had given way to the DotCom bustDotCom bust, and Web 2.0 had yet to arrive. When I told people that I was consulting bootstrapping startups, I was considered foolhardy by most. When I was a panelist at an IEEE Consulting Network of Silicon Valley event, one of the other panelists told me privately I was a lunatic and would never be able to make a living. I resolved to continue: I thought if I could make it through the winter of the DotCom crash (total employment in Silicon Valley had dropped by about 25% from 1999), spring would come at some point.
- What’s changed: I am no longer a member of any of the organizations listed below. CPSquare has shut down; SDForum and SVASE merged into SVForum.
- What continues: I continue to subscribe to the INSNA mailing list and remain interested in communities of practice as a way of creating, sharing, and managing knowledge. I still like all of the quotes. Still a lunatic consulting to bootstrapping startups
Archive Page for Sean Murphy at UnderTheOak wiki
Sean Murphy 408-252-9676 [obsolete email address at]
I have worked on communities of practice in the form of best practice teams, industry organizations, and user groups since the mid-80s. I have worked in a variety of engineering, marketing, and operations capacities for Cisco Systems, 3Com, Advanced Micro Devices, and VLSI Technology. I consult for bootstrapping startups that have working technology and need help building a community of practice to create a whole product.
I also do volunteer work for a dyslexia education effort at
I am a member of
- Churchill Club
- CPSquare
- International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)
- Silicon Valley Software Development Forum
- Silicon Valley Association of Startup Entrepreneurs
I am an active contributor to
- com-prac
- onlinefacilitation
Some Quotes on Tools
“Men have become the tools of their tools.”
Henry David Thoreau“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”
Sir Winston Churchill“We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.”
Marshall McLuhan“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
E. M. Forster“Inventor: A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it civilization.”
Ambrose Bierce “The Devil’s Dictionary”“It’s a poor workman who blames his tools”
English Proverb“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
Abraham H. Maslow“Man is a tool-using Animal…. Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.”
Thomas Carlyle“Technology today is the campfire around which we tell our stories. There’s this attraction to light and to this kind of power, which is both warm and destructive. We’re especially drawn to the power. Many of the images of technology are about making us more powerful, extending what we can do. Unfortunately, 95 percent of this is hype, because I think we’re powerful without it.”
Laurie Anderson
Last edited July 3, 2003 2:30 am
Other Time Capsule Blog Posts
- Time Capsule: ValencePoint Executive Summary July 19, 2004
- Ten Quotes To Help You Bring Order Out of Chaos
Related Blog Posts for DotCom Crash
- Michael Arrington’s “Twice Shy” One Year Later
- June 2006 SDForum Interview
- Continuing Education In Entrepreneurship
- Paul Graham: What the Dotcom Bubble got right
Image Credit “Bare Trees” (c) Sven Birkerts (@SvenBirkerts) used with permission
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