IVALA Joins Forces With VIN

I am delighted that Taimur Alavi and the team at IVALA are joining forces with  VIN the Veterinary Information Network. They have bootstrapped a significant amount of progress and I think VIN will provide the resources to accelerate not only the development of innovative applications and their reputation for excellence will encourage the spread of IVALA’s technology into veterinary practice.

More details from today’s announcement:

IVALA Learn Joins Forces with VIN

Some excerpts from an announcement sent today to IVALA subscribers:

We are extremely proud to have joined forces with the Veterinary Information Network (‘VIN’), meaning our 3D content is now COMPLETELY FREE for all students, interns, residents, academics and VIN members, globally.

Q: What is VIN?
A: The Veterinary Information Network is the world’s first, largest and best online veterinary community. Having been around for 25 years, it hosts a wealth of knowledge. The VIN message boards let you post questions and receive help from the VIN consultants and editors, as well as other VINners. The vast database of literature, calculators and tools help you with both the clinical and professional aspects of being a student & veterinarian. But much more than that, it’s a place where colleagues help each other and nurture growth, in a supportive environment.

Q: Why has IVALA joined VIN?
A: I (Taimur – founder) have been a member of VIN since my years as a Bristol veterinary undergrad. I credit VIN with playing a significant role in shaping me into the confident veterinarian I am today. VIN is the ONLY company I considered such a relationship with, and I’m extremely happy that we’ve managed to accomplish this. I know that by combining Ivala’s resources with VIN’s, we’ve created a powerful symbiosis that can more effectively improve understanding and confidence amongst veterinary learners. Furthermore, VIN offers the most financially limited, students, free accounts for the entirety of their studies globally. It’s a huge win to be able to offer this content irrespective of a students financial situation.

Q: I’m a student, intern, resident, academic or VIN member. What next?
A: Please cancel your account at ivalalearn (Login -> ‘My Account’ -> ‘Cancel Account’) & sign up at VIN. There is NO cost to signing up, all you’ll need is to be able to prove that you’re a student, intern, resident or educator at an eligible Institution (be sure to use your institutional email address when joining). Your membership will be free for as long as you maintain your academic status.

Q: I’m a veterinarian and I’m already a VIN member, where should I get access?
A: Please cancel your account at ivalalearn & sign in to your normal VIN account. Ivala content can currently be found at this link www.vin.com/Members/3dlearning. There is also a link in the VINdex (CTRL-E from any VIN page or from the link at the top right of all VIN pages). The IVALA 3D content is available to you as part of your normal VIN subscription.

Q: I’m a veterinarian that isn’t a member of VIN.com. If I sign up at VIN will I get access to the 3D content too, or is it only for existing members?
A: Yes, you will have access too, it is for current and future VIN subscribers as well.

Q: I’m a veterinarian and I’d like to access the 3D content without signing up at VIN, – how can I do this?
A: We think you’ll get a huge amount out of a VIN membership. If that option isn’t for you, we’re continuing to offer our 3D content here at ivalalearn.com. Our subscriptions are annual and by signing up you get access to all of our 3D content for the entire year. You will be charged once yearly until you cancel your subscription (you can do this any time).

Q: Is there any difference between the 3D content at ivalalearn.com and VIN.com?
A: No, we have exactly the same 3D content at both sites.

Q: What does this mean for ivalalearn?
A: We’re still here and it’s business as usual. www.ivalalearn.com will continue to exist, and we’re going to continue bringing you the same cutting-edge veterinary training content both at VIN and ivalalearn.

SKMurphy Perspective

IVALATaimur Alavi is one of the more interesting entrepreneurs that I have had the pleasure of advising. He is a practicing veterinarian blessed with strong 3D visualization and spatial reasoning skills who turned his frustration with two dimensional static anatomy diagrams into a suite of interactive applications and visualizations of animal anatomy. He is driven by a desire to improve the practice of veterinary medicine and believes that enriching the resources available to both practicing veterinarians and veterinary students will spark a quantum improvement in their ability to make effective diagnoses and to develop plans for treatment including surgical interventions.

I blogged about his efforts earlier this year in “IVALA Demos Echocardiography Simulator” observing

I think interactive 3D models will be used not only for fusion of multiple scanning modalities (e.g. ultrasound, X-Ray, MRI) but also for surgical planning and rehearsal, custom printed prosthetics, and the design of custom printed analogs for arteries to allow surgeons to rehearse stent placement and fit.

We have helped with business development and competitive analysis and are excited to be able to contribute to a team that is having an impact on the next generation of veterinary medicine. I believe their mission–“To harness the power of the latest in 3D visualization technology to build confidence in clinical understanding and practice”–will lead them to influence the evolution of human medical care as well.

I think his decision to join forces with VIN is going to provide the resources to accelerate not only the development of innovative applications but their spread into veterinary practice.

My support of IVALA began when Taimur Alavi scheduled an office hours session in December of 2014 and I have been pleased to provide ongoing advice on how to foster adoption and proliferation of his offerings as well as the preparation and negotiation of several complex proposals.  I am very excited by what he and his team have been able to accomplish in maturing his offering, growing a community of early adopters, and establishing relationships with significant players that have culminated in an agreement that will substantially accelerate his rate of progress and adoption.

Taimur Alavi’s take on SKMurphy

On Sep 16-2016, Taimur Alavi was kind enough to leave the following recommendation on my LinkedIn Profile

“Sean mentored me through from the earliest days of my startup (pre-revenue) through until the successful sale of my company. I always got the impression Sean was drawing from past experience when guiding me around the potholes of growing a company. Something I really appreciated was his ability to grasp the key facets of the dilemma or situation I’d bring to him, and break them down in such a way that presented you with some very obvious ways to move forward. If you’re a startup owner interested in the Lean methodology & need mentorship, Sean is your man. Thank you Sean! ”
Taimur Alavi, Sep-16-2016

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