Walt Maclay: SKMurphy Has Contributed Significantly to Our Growth

We have been supporting Walt Maclay and the team at Voler Systems, Inc. since 2008. In that time they have increased revenue by a factor of 8. Walt looked back at how we have supported Voler and thanked us for making a significant contribution to Voler’s growth over the last decade.

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Walt Maclay: SKMurphy Has Contributed Significantly to Our Growth

For most consulting and startup companies, just doing a great job is not enough. They must let customers and prospects know what they do and promote their services. It is best to start with one small project and focus on doubling your success.

In 2008, we started with a small project to do a quarterly newsletter that would leverage Voler’s strong customer base and existing network. We used quarterly newsletters and face to face networking to double and build that growth. With a stable lead source and cash flow, the company was able to expand with more hiring and getting a physical office space in 2015.

Again we focus on how to double the revenue, we added talks to the mix of lead generation techniques and increasing our emails from quarterly to monthly. Currently, SKMurphy helps find and secure at least a monthly speaking engagement.

In 2017, we worked with Walt Maclay and his team at Voler to transition the website from Joomla to WordPress. His original site had grown from 20 pages to more than 450, and we used the migration as an opportunity to make a significant investment in organic SEO to drive to new levels of revenue. With quality content, deliberate link generation, and careful keyword strategies, we grew that to 20% growth the first year to 30% the next year. Again revenue doubled.

Walt Maclay, I have enjoyed working with SKMurphy, Inc.

Walt Maclay provided his perspective on our contribution to Voler’s success over the last decade:

The team at SKMurphy, Inc. has been critical to our marketing efforts since 2008. In that time, Voler has grown by a factor of eight, and SKMurphy made a significant contribution to our success.

One key hands-on project SKMurphy provided was our monthly newsletter. Every time it went out, it generated discussions and communications. Theresa was really good at coming up with topics for articles. She made it very easy for us to produce good articles: she would suggest a topic and interview me–or one of our team–for a few minutes, write the first draft for our review, incorporate our feedback and publish it. It went very smoothly.

Our growth would not have happened without marketing efforts that brought in better leads.

SKMurphy encouraged me to look for speaking engagements. These engagements have led to good conversations with prospects and also provided audio and video content for our website. Before we started working together, I would rarely do talks–I think it had been more than a year since I had given one. Theresa and Sean had really good ideas for talks. My most common first reaction after she would suggest a talk would be, “Do people really want to hear that?” Then we’d talk about it for a while, and we’d come up with a talk, and I’d present it, and people really enjoyed it. She came up with all kinds of different talks, as well as all kinds of different articles. Her suggestions were always very good.

Walt Maclay cartoon alter egoNow it’s getting to the point where people are inviting me to speak. I’m just getting solicitations. One key process change was that we would schedule two rehearsals to improve the slides and improve the presentation. These allowed me to give the full talk and see how it felt saying it aloud, making improvements as we went.

Since 2008 we have experienced a lot of growth: SKMurphy had significant responsibility for it. I have enjoyed working with them. That pretty much summarizes it.

Walt Maclay,
President of Voler Systems

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Photo Credits: logo and robot image (c) Voler Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

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