Lean Canvas Operations

Lean Canvas Operations is part of a five part series by Ed Ipser where he explains how to use the Lean Canvas and what it is good for.

Lean Canvas Operations

  1. Focus
  2. Marketing
  3. Operations
  4. Finances
  5. Experimentation

In this session, Ed Ipser shares how to identify your own key metrics, sales process, key activities, and unfair advantage. Key takeaways are a draft of your key activities, key metrics and unfair advantage.


In the video below, Ed Ipser shares Market Fusion’s unfair advantage.

Full video for Lean Canvas – Operations


SKMurphy Take

I have found this series by Ed a thought provoking addition to the Lean Canvas originally developed by Ash Maurya (who built on earlier work by Alex Osterwalder).  Ed treats the canvas as a model for an operating business. His re-addition of key activities from the original Business Model Canvas is particularly for bootstrappers who need to consider what they are going to do to make the business successful. I also think he brings a useful clarity to “unfair advantage” as something that is not easily replicated by competitors.

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