What is an Editorial Calendar?

Edited transcript

An editorial calendar is a planning tool used for content creation and publishing. It is a schedule that outlines the topics, themes, and timing of planned content pieces, such as articles, blog posts, social media updates, videos, podcasts, white papers and other forms of media.

The purpose of an editorial calendar is to provide a structured framework for content creation and distribution.

SKMurphy Editorial Calendar

Building your editorial calendar involves three decisions: picking channels, picking publishing frequencies, and identifying a list of topics.

Editorial Calendar – Channels

In thinking about channels, there are two broad types. The first are those that you own or control because you pay for them, for example your blog, newsletter, or podcast and video hosting sites. The second are platforms that you have less control over and your content can disappear without warning. .

We suggest that you create content on sites that you own. Then do posting on other platforms for distribution.

For Distribution: pick channels that your buyers are already using–and when in doubt ask them. Some examples:

  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Meetup
  • Comments and posts in forums
  • Papers at Conferences
  • White Papers and Contributed Articles on Trade Publication sites


As you think about frequency, pick a pace you can sustain. This is a marathon not a sprint.
Different kinds of content can be published on different schedules. Common publication cycles are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly.


As you map out your topics, make sure your content is always useful and thought provoking. Strive for a high standard in quality to maintain and grow your audience.. Vary your approach to reach people with different learning styles.

We can help

SKMurphy develops highly relevant and valuable content to attract, engage, and acquire customers. We help our clients organize and clearly articulate their experiences and insights in ways that generate inquires. We develop an editorial calendar that  complements SEO strategy and ecosystem partner relationships. We always consider audio, video, and animation options in addition to  leveraging public speaking events for lead generation.

Here are a couple of articles that we developed:

And here is some example videos

We can help you develop an editorial calendar – contact us.

Call: 408-252-9676 / skype: skmurphy



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