Prep for 2025: Bootcamps on Customer Discovery & Development

Prepare for 2025 With Bootcamps on
Customer Discovery & Getting More Customers

Today, Oct-1-2024, is the start of the fourth quarter of 2024; it is time to close out the objectives you set for this year and start planning how you will grow in 2025. To help you get a jump on next year, we are offering a new round of our popular “Customer Discovery” and “Getting More Customers”  Bootcamps before the end-of-year holidays overtake us.

These specialized, intensive training programs allow you to work on your technology startup or technical consulting practice and make significant progress in six weeks of focused effort. These bootcamps are for technology businesses and consultants who want to craft offers and close deals with business customers.

Two new bootcamps starting in October 2024

Customer Discovery Bootcamps

Bootcamp Format : It’s an “inverted classroom” model where you watch short pre-recorded lessons and then apply them as homework to your business or startup idea. We then have a live Zoom session with three to six entrepreneurs where for 90-120 minutes we walk around your answers (or results of your discovery efforts) and help you refine your approach.

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Customer Discovery

Getting More Customers

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