I have been using TripleChecker for two months on our site with two million words; I believe it offers the next generation of capability for a website spell checker.
TripleChecker Is a Next Generation Website Spell Checker
On December 16-2024 I saw a tweet by Jason Cohen
I just used this tool (TripleChecker) and it found something like 30 errors on my blog.
Some have been there for over a decade.
(I’m not affiliated with them, but it’s a bootstrapped founder who seems nice.)
Dec-16-2024 Jason Cohen @asmartbear
We had been using Spellr (later renamed Checkdog) since 2009: I blogged about it in “Spellr.us Is So Good That I Want To Pay For It.” (2009). But in 2022, I got an e-mail from them: “We are excited to announce that CheckDog.com has been purchased by WebsitePlanet.com.” It was converted into a good single-page checker, but I wanted something that ran weekly and caught errors that slipped through my creation and publication process for blog posts and pages. We tested a few and did not find anything satisfactory, but improving the website is a perennial objective, and I suspected that errors were creeping in. Four days later, I ran a check, and it found about 350 errors, of which about 200 were broken links–link rot is an ongoing challenge, especially for older posts. But 150 were typos or grammar errors. And this was only a partial scan of 500 pages or so. At this point, there are over 2700 posts and 60 pages. So, I paid for a plan that could scan the entire site.
I got a nice email from Dmitriy Rokhfeld that promised a deep commitment to customer satisfaction. I filed it away for future reference:
I’m Dmitriy Rokhfeld, the CEO and Founder of TripleChecker. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for choosing to work with us.
At TripleChecker, our mission is to give you peace of mind. We do this by catching typos, errors, and other issues that could harm your brand and reputation. If there is an error on your site, we want you to be the first to know about it—not a user or potential customer.
If you have any suggestions or feedback on how we can improve our product, please reach out to me personally.
Thanks again for your trust in us.
Dmitriy Rokhfeld | CEO of TripleChecker LLC | Chicago, IL
How I Spent My Christmas Vacation
There are two answers to this. First, I had a great time with friends and family over meals, games, and movies (“It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Love Actually,” “Die Hard,” “Die Hard, Die Harder,” and several dozen Hallmark movies (viewer discretion advised)). Second, self-employment provides an enormous psychic income, but if you don’t “ride the bike,” you cannot pay for all the gifts and good times. So, in between various activities (and during many a Hallmark feature), I cleaned up spelling errors and supported clients who were trying to close deals for end-of-year budget money or who wanted to get a jump on 2025.
What I Learned: TripleChecker Does a Thorough Job
A private dictionary is not needed. I am not sure how they do it, but even though we mention many personal names and terms of art that required updating a private dictionary for CheckDog, TripleChecker seems to do fine on its own.
Link Checking is Robust. It’s good at finding links that are no more. Archive.org has a Wayback Machine that can be your friend for this: I can foresee a time when more than half of my links point to a page archived there.
Grammar Checking is on par with Grammarly. I started using Grammarly as part of my publication process several years ago and was surprised to see TripleChecker found errors that Grammarly had missed.
Dmitriy really hates spelling and grammar mistakes. I reached out to Dmitriy because I was impressed by what TripleChecker has accomplished. I told him I thought he was a generation ahead of the other website spell checkers I had tried. I asked him for his origin story, what led him to chase typos for a living, and what was the source of the superpowers he had inculcated into the product. He said that his last startup had involved developing a content management and publication system. He really hated spelling and grammar mistakes. For a moment, I saw the flash of an expression my wife gets when she discovers a few misguided ant scouts in our kitchen. It foretells the substantial reduction of the ant population that lives within crawling distance of our house.
Anyway, I have been using TripleChecker for two months now and find that it offers accurate reports on spelling, grammar, and link errors.
Disclosure: I have received no fees, stock, or discount for my endorsement. No referral code or affiliate link is embedded in the URLs for TripleChecker. Sometimes, I come across a much better product developed by a good team and would like to see them prosper.
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Image credit: triple check mark image is taken from Triplechecker logo.
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