
Steve Blank Plans to Crowdsource E-Schools

Steve Blank gave a thought provoking talk at the Startup Lessons Learned Conference on “Customer Development 2.0: Why Accountants Don’t Run Startups” (slides here and related blog post “Why Accountants Don’t Run Startups” which is part of a category of blog posts on “Durant vs. Sloan“).  He also referenced Robert Shedd‘s list of startup accelerators

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8 Tips for Evaluating Funding Alternatives

Many entrepreneurs planning their first software startup get stuck on funding and ownership issues. Here are some simple rules of thumb that may help you reframe an issue: Revenue, especially break even revenue, is never dilutive of your ownership. The right co-founders, while dilutive, substantially increase your chances of success: they give you a smaller

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Financial Modeling for Startups Workshop–Early Bird Ends Tomorrow

Update Tue-Sep-23: Sold Out, No Walk-ins. We will offer it again: you can sign-up to be notified of upcoming workshops We just finished our last rehearsal for next Wednesday’s (Sep-24) “Financial Modeling for Startups” workshop we are doing jointly with Nathan Beckord of Venture Archetypes. I think it will be a good lunch and learn

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Financial Modeling for Startups on September 24, 2008

SOLD OUT — NO WALK-IN ACCEPTED Getting a handle on your financial roadmap is a key element of any startup’s success. A solid financial model will help you: i) gain insight into your business; ii) set a common direction for management; and iii) secure angel or venture capital investment. Wed Sept. 24 11:30-1:30pm Plug &

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