
Kenopsia: Bare Ruined Choirs Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang

Kenopsia is a neologism coined by John Koenig for “the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that’s usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet” like the “bare ruined choirs” of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73. What follows is one of my “Spiritual Sundays” posts. It’s a meditation on loss and impermanence.

Kenopsia: Bare Ruined Choirs Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang Read More »

Neal Stephenson on Christianity, Grace, Sincerity, and Seeing Things as They Are

I have started to reserve Sundays to write on spirituality, charity, and a higher moral purpose to our life as entrepreneurs. I was struck by the quote that Stephenson puts in Juanita’s mouth in Snow Crash and have concluded that he is performing a similar ministry in his science fiction writing. There is a sense

Neal Stephenson on Christianity, Grace, Sincerity, and Seeing Things as They Are Read More »

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