Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July from all of us at SKMurphy! Here are some quotes to reflect on as you watch the fireworks.
Happy 4th of July from all of us at SKMurphy! Here are some quotes to reflect on as you watch the fireworks.
I didn’t know Leonard Smith but I was forwarded a link by John McKenna two days ago to his obituary (originally published in GreenwichTime on Jan. 26, 2014) and I thought it captured the essential personality of people who bring change to organizations in trouble and often start new ones.
Leonard Smith 1927-2014 Read More »
We have a week left in 2013. This is a short post to collect some odds and ends on the day after Christmas, also known as Feast of St. Stephen or Boxing Day depending upon where you are reading this.
Through The Rude Wind’s Wild Lament And The Bitter Weather Read More »
Some observations on Thanksgiving 2013, punctuated by quotes from Soren Kierkegaard, W. T. Purkiser, W.N. Rieger and Albert Schweitzer.
Remembering 9-11: I found this video very moving because it focused on the people and not the destruction. h/t Victory Girls Remembering 9-11 Take ten minutes to reflect on Sep-11-2001, a watershed event for the US in the 21st century that I have come to believe is a harbinger and not an outlier. Last year
Remembering 9-11: Our Children Will Also Live In Interesting Times Read More »
Thanksgiving 2012 is a chance to reflect on all that I am grateful for: health, family, friends, and the opportunities I have been given.
The 9-11 attack may be the question for my middle age that “where were you when John Kennedy was assassinated?” was in my youth. Osama bin Laden is now dead but the forces he helped to organize are still at work. Take a moment to remember 11 years ago and hope that our children can
Take a Moment To Remember 11 Years Ago Read More »
Reflections at Thanksgiving 2011: in the second half of my life, it’s time to appreciate all that I have and be more forthcoming in my gratitude to others.
Some things change, others remain constant. It’s hard to see the patterns when you are enmeshed in them. You have to pause and reflect.
Some Things Change, Others Remain Constant Read More »
I apologize for this detour from our exploration of entrepreneurial issues, but this anniversary of my complete confusion is one that I continue to observe, still attempting almost a decade later to make sense of it. But please, take a minute to recall 9 years ago.
Take a Minute to Recall 9 Years Ago Read More »
I am deprecating my use of Facebook except for a small group of friends and family. On-line communities do not enable person to person trust to scale.
Deprecating Facebook Part Two Read More »
Thanksgiving 2009: to be self-employed in a downturn is a wonderful opportunity–I don’t have to worry about getting laid off.
We live in uncertain times, both in terms of the economic and technology transitions that are underway. I offer two rules that I use to navigate by.
A quick note of thanks that even in the midst of a serious economic downturn for Thanksgiving 2008 I have my health, my family, my friends, and the opportunity to make a living.
The summer I turned 16 my brother and stayed with my Uncle John and his family in Oregon. I always meant to reconnect with him and then one day he was gone.
As entrepreneurs we pursue our dreams of improving the world. Sometimes I think our dreams can pursue us, that a vision of a better world can have the same effect as what the Scots call a geas. An obligation to use our talents in certain ways that unlocks their power if obeyed and punishes if
While We Pursue Our Dreams, They Can Pursue Us Read More »
It’s appropriate on Thanksgiving to think of the things we have to be grateful for. My short list: Health Family Friends Opportunity As an entrepreneur I am interested in getting something new done. But life is what happens while you are making other plans. I can sometimes get so focused on trying to make a
My father, Joseph Murphy, died suddenly of a heart attack at home in St. Louis last night with my mother and brother present. He had been to see his internist that morning and gotten a clean bill of health. He would have been 82 in a week.
Joseph A. Murphy (1925-2007) Read More »