Sean Murphy helps identify our early customers

Sean Murphy Help Us Identify Our Early Customers

“Sean Murphy is a great coach, and did a fantastic job training and onboarding me at OpenSensors. Sean taught me pretty much everything I know about sales, and helped us at OpenSensors identify our early customers. He is service minded, analytical, knowledgable – and last but not least hilarious. He has a story about pretty

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Thomas Schelling on Strategic Surprise

It’s been 17 years since the Sep-11-2001 attack and almost 77 years since the Dec-7-1941 Pearl Harbor attack that started World War 2. Both attacks achieved strategic surprise and had substantial long-term effects. What follows are some excerpts from the forward by Thomas Schelling Roberta Wohlstetter’s book “Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision.”

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SKMurphy Support Letter for Kinetic River SBIR

SKMurphy Support Letter for Kinetic River SBIR Wed-Sep-5-2018         I am writing to support the Kinetic River Phase II SBIR on a novel flow cytometry instrument. Since 2003 I have worked at SKMurphy, Inc. as a business development consultant for dozens of early stage technology startups. I have been an advisor to

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Derek Sivers: How to Start a Movement

In February 2010 Derek Sivers gave a great talk on “How to Start a Movement” that offered some important tips for leaders and but offered the surprising conclusion that concluded that the most important and underappreciated key to a successful movement was the follower’s courage to follow and ability to show others how to follow.

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