Kinetic River Awarded NCI Contract for Modular Flow Cytometer

Kinetic River Corp. has been awarded contract from the National Cancer Institute for a modular flow cytometer that will be used to test novel laser sources for applicability to flow cytometry. It will also serve as a test bed for new detectors, electronics and other technologies critical to the future of flow cytometry.

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Q: What Lessons Should I Draw From A Painful Cofounder Experience?

Painful cofounder experiences are more common than happy ones, and especially so when the parties don’t know each well to begin with and the business startup fails. Here is a real email exchange that explores some ways to minimize the risks.

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IVALA Joins Forces With VIN

I am delighted that Taimur Alavi and the team at IVALA are joining forces with  VIN the Veterinary Information Network. They have bootstrapped a significant amount of progress and I think VIN will provide the resources to accelerate not only the development of innovative applications and their reputation for excellence will encourage the spread of IVALA’s technology into

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Constructive Pessimism

Constructive Pessimism: to anticipate problems you have to be willing to acknowledge their possibility and look for them. Many entrepreneurs who are naturally optimistic make a serious mistake in discouraging pessimistic thinking instead of putting it to good use. The clever utilization of constructive pessimism is one of the keys to success.

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Managing Change in an Organization: An Incomplete Resource List

Some models I like for change management in organizations. Startup entrepreneurs frequently have to navigate the challenges managing change as a part of the sales process. Intrapreneurs should find this list useful as well. I welcome any suggestions for additions, refinements, or improvements.

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Key Questions to Answer Before Adding A Feature to Niche Software

A niche software supplier provides expertise and functionality that individual firms in an industry would find more expensive to develop on their own. Managing the feature content and evolution of the feature set requires that a reasonable fraction (for example at least 30-40%) of the customer base needs the feature so that they feel they

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