Newsletter: Collaborating to Build Better Companies & Teams

SKMurphy July 2015 Newsletter This blog post summarizes our July newsletter, “Collaborating to Build Better Companies and Teams.” You can subscribe to the monthly SKMurphy newsletter using the form at the right Collaborating to Build Better Companies and Teams Our focus this month is on collaboration and teamwork. We focus not only on what’s needed to […]

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Planning and Reflection

Ash Maurya rebooted his blog as “The Space Between“–experimental format where he is exploring the space between ideas–and has offered a number of short reflective posts. Here are excerpts from three where he explores the value of planning and reflection, and the need to prioritize learning over the illusion of progress.

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Larry Burgess-bio

Larry Burgess, PhD Dr. Burgess has several decades of experience in the wireless field. He possesses a combination of knowledge in adaptive signal processing, antenna design, smart antennas, radio links, transmitter/receiver design, radar, direction finding, and power amplifier linearization. He has worked in design, test, product development, and customer applications for military and commercial products

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Sean Murphy Bio

Sean Murphy has worked in a variety of roles in the last twenty-five years: software engineer, engineering manager, project manager, business development, product marketing, and customer support. Companies he has worked directly for include Cisco Systems, 3Com, AMD, MMC Networks, and VLSI Technology. He has a BS in Mathematical Sciences and an MS in Engineering-Economic

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Good and Bad Reasons to Pivot

Much has been written about a startup making a pivot in direction after Eric Ries first coined the term in a 2009 blog post “Pivot don’t Jump to a New Vision.” The word pivot has attracted almost as much wordplay as the word lean.  What follows is a short list of good and bad reasons to

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The secret of science is to ask the right question, and it is the choice of problem more than anything else that marks the man of genius in the scientific world. Sir Henry Tizard

Larry Smith: Fail Fast, Fail Often, and Die

Larry Smith is an Economics Professor of Economics at the University of Waterloo who writes and lectures on Entrepreneurship, innovation, and Technology markets. What follows is part of a conversation he had with Alan Quarry in the AQ’s Blog & Grill series of interviews with entrepreneurs. His key point, that he makes in a somewhat cranky fashion, is that technology

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Resources for Student Entrepreneur Organizations

With the 2016  school year getting ready to start in the next six to eight weeks at most colleges and universities I have had several conversations with student entrepreneur organizations about how I might be able to help them. I have developed content and given talks and webinars over the last five years that may provide

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Moltz You Need To Be A Little Crazy

Webinar Replay: You Need to Be a Little Crazy

This is a webinar replay that was recorded on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 with Massimo Paolini, Miles Kehoe, Dorai Thodla, and Sean Murphy discussing Barry Moltz‘s “You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business.” They share how they personally found the courage to start their businesses and their

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Gary Smith 1941-2015

Gary Smith, founder and chief analyst at Gary Smith EDA, passed away July 3, 2015 after a brief illness. He was a good friend and a mentor and he contributed substantially to fostering the collaboration around a shared vision in Electronic Design Automation that is necessary to keep Moore’s Law moving forward. I learned a

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A Serious Conversation Can Change Your Life

Theodore Zeldin gave a series of six lectures on conversation that were collected in slim book called “Conversation: How Talk Can Change Our Lives.” I found it offered a number of insights on what is needed for a serious conversation. And since serious conversation is one of the primary tools for early market exploration and

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