3D printer combinations

3D printing’s first impact was in the prototype sector of the manufacturing process. 3D printing will not replace traditional (“subtractive”) manufacturing methods, but rather 3D printing technology will be combined with pre-existing machines.  There are currently five machines that are most likely going to be the future of 3D printer combinations.

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3D Printing: The Next Best Thing But Not Yet

3D printing is overhyped and its implications are not well understood. It will be twenty plus years before there is a 3D printer in most homes due to limitations of the cost of the machine, material, obtaining software and learning how to use the software. Other fundamentally problem that prevent 3D printers being adapted by the

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Innovation: the Trick is Managing the Pain

Any innovation effort is a painful struggle punctuated by false starts and dead ends. Your efforts are met with lack of interest even when a basic invention is working and active resistance when it starts to replace the tried and true. Like any childbirth the trick is managing the pain long enough to deliver.

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CNSV Recognized by IEEE as an Outstanding Chapter

The Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV) was recognized by IEEE Region 6 in 2015 for its outstanding achievements in promoting members’ skills and providing educational opportunities for Silicon Valley. The award reads: IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Chapter  presented to Consultants Network of Silicon Valley For creating a network to promote the skills of its

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A Clear Eyed View Of The Way Forward

It’s often hard to see your way forward. When there are many courses of action open to you whose possible outcomes are hard to predict you can remain paralyzed by analysis. I often find myself dithering past the point where picking any reasonable option and proceeding is far better than continuing to analyze my choices.

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Victorian Values

In an 1983 radio interview Margaret Thatcher defined Victorian values as  hard work, self-improvement, self-reliance, living within your income, cleanliness, self-respect, a duty to help others, pride in country, and being a good member of your community. Here are some excerpts from an April 15, 1983 radio interview with Peter Allen on The Decision Makers

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