Sean Murphy is available for selected public speaking engagements. The format generally used is 45 minutes of practical information followed by question-and-answer segment. This format can be customized to meet the needs of your group. Fees vary depending upon nature and charter of group.
Sean Favorite Topics include:
- How to Bootstrap Your Start-Up
- Landing Your First Ten Customers
- Startups: What’s Hot! What’s Not!
- Silicon Valley Innovation
- Forming & Leading Teams of Experts
- Navigating the Limits of “I Will Know It When I See It” in Engineering and Entrepreneurship
Here are a list of speaking events and mentoring sessions Sean has taken part in. He also facilitates three roundtable discussions a month for the Bootstrappers Breakfast® in Silicon Valley
2024 Speaking Engagements
- Mar-21-2024 Navigating the Limits of “I Will Know It When I See It” in Engineering and Entrepreneurship
2023 Speaking Engagements
- Aug-27-2023 How to Bootstrap a Startup
- Aug- 2023 Saras Sarasvathy’s Effectuation Model for Startups Chalk Talk
- Aug-2023 Team, Technology, Traction Chalk Talk
- July-2023 Red Flags: Identifying Incompatible Co-founders
- July-2023 Think Write Pair Share Chalk Talk
- May-2023 Co-founders – Alignment on Goals and Values Chalk Talk
- Feb-10-2023 Sean Murphy on Understand Believe Act Chalk Talk
2022 Speaking Engagements
- Nov-23-2022 Triage for Managing Interrupts Chalk Talk
- Nov-3-2022 1-2-4-1 Planning Model Chalk Talk
- Oct-7-2022 How Buildings Learn Chalk Talk
- Sep-1-2022 Where is Your Team in the Explore-Exploit Continuum? Chalk Talk
- Aug-23-2002 S-Curve for Technology Investment Chalk Talk
- Feb-22-2022: Startups: What’s Hot, What’s Not at Lean Culture Meetup
2021 Speaking Engagements
- Nov-11-2021 Lead Generation for Consultants at PATCA
- Nov-5-2021 Maintaining Your Professional Network Chalk Talk
- Sep-13-2021 Reflections on Serendipity Chalk Talk
- Apr-27-2021 Sean Murphy Interview with Etienne Garbugli the LeanB2B Podcast
- Apr-20-2021 Just Sell the Results to Reduce Perception of Risk Chalk Talk
- Feb-11-2021: “Landing Your First Ten Customers” at Lean Culture Meetup
2020 Speaking Engagements
- Aug-19-2020: Jeff Allison “An Executive Briefing on Microservices” at SF Bay ACM
- July-15-2020: Selling Analytics: Getting People to Use Your Models at SF Bay ACM
- Feb-13-2020: Working Capital: Taking Stock of Your Business Assets Tue-Feb-13-2020 at PATCA
2019 Speaking Engagements
- September 2019 “Managing Growth” mini-workshop at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale and Mtn View Bootstrappers Breakfast in September
- July 2019 “Founder Roadmap” mini-workshop at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale and Mtn View Bootstrappers Breakfast in July
- March 2019 “Cultivating Referrals” mini-workshop at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale and Mtn View Bootstrappers Breakfast in March.
2018 Speaking Engagements
- Nov-27-2018: “The Startup Leap: Founders’ Lessons Learned” at Lean Culture (Panel moderator)
- Nov-14-2018: “Enterprise Sales for Startups” at Draper University
- November 2018: “Engineering Your Sales Funnel” mini-workshop at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale (Nov-20), and Mtn View (Nov-30) Bootstrappers Breakfast
- September 2018: “Planning for Growth” mini-workshop at Palo Alto (Sep-7), Sunnyvale (Sep-18), and Mtn View (Sep-28) Bootstrappers Breakfast
- July 2018 “Lean Canvas Planning” mini-workshops at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, and Mtn View Bootstrappers Breakfast
- April-28-2018 “Lean 101” at Lean Culture
- Mar-22-23-2018 Mentor Sessions for Health Startup at Nordic Innovations
- Mar-12-2018 “Startups: What’s Hot, What’s Not” (2018) at Women in Consulting
- Mar-8-2018 “Subcontracting Do’s and Don’ts” at PATCA Panel
- March 2018 “Grow Your Network Even If You are an introvert” mini-workshops by Theresa Shafer at Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, and Mtn View Bootstrappers Breakfast
- January 2018: “Put Your Business Plan for Q1 2018 on a 3×5 Card” mini-workshops at Palo Alto (Jan-5), Sunnyvale (Jan-16), and “Mtn View (Jan-26)” Bootstrappers Breakfast
2017 Speaking Engagements
- Sep-26-2017 “Professional Networking in Silicon Valley” a briefing for Stanford Management Science graduate students.
- Jun-2-2017 “How Bootstrappers Manage the Work/Work Balance In their Startup” Palo Alto Bootstrappers Breakfast
- May-23-2017 “Will Work for Equity Networking” Silicon Valley Cofounder Academy at Hacker Dojo
- Apr-17-2017 “Managing the Work/Work Balance in Your Consulting Practice” at South Bay Management Consultants
- Mar-28-2017 “Chatbots: What Why How” at Emerging Technology Group at Hacker Dojo
- Mar-15-2017 “Extracting Competitive Insights from Demos” at Product & Competitive Intelligence Summit
- Feb-21-2017 “Will Work for Equity Networking” Silicon Valley Cofounder Academy at Hacker Dojo
- Feb-6-2017 “Management Science Entrepreneurship: Building a Startup Around Analytics and Big Data” a briefing for Stanford Management Science graduate students.
- Jan-20-2017 “Professional Networking in Silicon Valley” a briefing for Stanford Management Science graduate students.
- Jan-17-2017 “Startups: What’s Hot! What’s Not!” at PATCA
2016 Speaking Engagements
- November 11-13, 2016 Mentor for Startup Weekend Nov-2016 at Santa Clara Univ.
- Aug-17-2016 Panelist Cofounder Academy “Role of the Cofounder”
- Wed-June-29 “How To Assess Your Value Proposition When Entering New Markets” Mentor session via skype for Krakow Startups group
- May-24-2016 “Extracting Competitive Insights From Demos” Silicon Valley Chapter of Society Competitive Intelligence Professionals
- May-16-2016 “Assessing and Improving Your Value Proposition” mentor briefing for NMotion Summer 2016 Startups
- May-12-2016 Panel Moderator Financial and Budget Planning for Independent Consultants for PATCA
- Apr-23-2016 “Getting More Customers” workshop Silicon Valley
- Jan-19-2016 Customer Development & Pricing For B2B Startups Montreal Lean Startup Circle (via Skype )
- Jan-14-2016 “Operational and Strategic Planning for Consultants” for PATCA
2015 Speaking Engagements
- Nov-18-2015 Presenter “Bootstrapping a Business” IEL Accelerator, Concord
- Oct-13-2015 Presenter “A Deep Dive With Sean Murphy on B2B Customer Development” Dutch Lean Startup Circle (via skype)
- May-14-2015 Presenter “On-line Marketing for Professional Services” at PATCA
- Mar-3-2015 Panel Moderator “Engineering in Japan vs Silicon Valley” at CNSV
- Jan-29-2015 Presenter “Prepare and Practice B2B Customer Interviews” workshop
- Aug-26-2014 Presenter “Pricing / Value Calculation for Non-Profit SaaS” Salesforce Non-Profit Partner Group
- Aug-6-2014 Presenter Thought Leadership: A briefing for San Bruno Rotary
- July-22-2014 Presenter “Engineering Your Sales Process” Salesforce Non-Profit Partner Group
- June 6-8 2014 Mentor at B2B Startup Weekend San Francisco 2014
- May-27-2014 Presenter “What is Lean: Lean Innovation 101” at LinkedIn CXO Forum
- Apr-16-2014 Presenter “How to Give a Great Demo” Co-Founder Club
- December 8, 2013 Presenter LeanCamp Unconference San Francisco
- Nov-20-2013 Speaker “Lean Innovation 101” SFBAY ACM
- October 5-6, 2013 Moderator Working For Equiity Startup CEO Panel at Silicon Valley Code Camp, Los Altos Hills, CA
- Friday, August 16, 2013 MVP Clinic with Sean Murphy SV Founders Meetup, Mountain View, CA
- Thursday, June 13, 2013 Panelist on Future of Professional Consulting at PATCA
- Tuesday, June 4, 2013 “Validating your MVP & Value Proposition for B2B Startups Workshop” Lean Startup Circle, San Francisco, CA
- Tuesday, May 21, 2013 “Successful Consulting Engagements with Startups“ IEEE-CNSV Santa Clara, CA
- Tuesday, May 7, 2013 Get Out of Your Batcave: Customer Development for Lean Startups Parisoma, San Francisco, CA
- Friday April 19, 2013 “Getting More Customer” workshop
- Tuesday, April 2, 2013 “Validating your B2B MVP & Value Proposition” San Francisco, CA
- Wednesday March 27, 2013 “How to Bootstrap Your Start-Up” at ASLCPA San Jose, CA
- Friday, February 8, 2013 Engineering Your Sales Process workshop Silicon Valley, CA
- Tuesday, December 4 The Lean Startup Conference “Engineering Your Sales Process” workshop
- Oct-11-2012 Guest Lecture “Associating Skill Workshop” Innovation Studio at California College of Arts
- Sep-19-2012 Presenter “Innovators DNA: Associating Skill” SFBay ACM
- Sep-17-2012 Present PMI-SV “Forming & Leading Teams of Experts“
- August 9, 2012 “Accelerating Your Sales Process” at Startup Sales Circle
- May, 2012 Month long On-line Workshop at CPSquare on Consulting and Innovation
- Thursday, April 12 “Tips on Structuring Business Relationships: Contractor, Alliances, Partners and Co-Owner” at PATCA
- Jan 27-29, 2012: Mentor at Startup Weekend San Jose Jan 27-29 2012
- Sun-Oct-10″ Will Work For Equity: A Startup CEO Panel” Silicon Valley Code Camp
- Sep-30 Presenter “Idea to Revenue: Market Exploration Concepts for Startups” Entrepreneur Learning Lab, Accelerace (remote presentation)
- Sat-June-18 “Crucial Customer Development Concepts” Global Indian Technical Professional (GITPRO)
- Tue-Nov-2: “Assessing Your Market Opportunity” at SDForum “Kickstart Your Startup Workshop”
- Thu-Oct-21: “Forming & Leading Teams of Experts” at SDForum Engineering Leadership SIG
- Sun- Oct-10: “Will Work For Equity: A Startup CEO Panel” moderating panel at Silicon Valley Code Camp
- Thu- Sep-23: “Feed Readers De-Mystified: Tips for Keeping Informed” People On The Go Webinar
- Mon-Sep-13: “10 Tips on How to Choose a Business Partner” Women In Consulting South Bay Lunch talk
- Wed-Sep-1 “Chalk Talk on Technology Adoption” Chalk Talk
- Fri-Apr-23: Mentor at Startup Lessons Learned Conference
- Mon-Jan-25: “Bootstrapping Your Startup Business: Ten Mistakes Early Entrepreneurs Make” at CSUEBEA (California State University East Bay Entrepreneurship Association)
- September 16 “The Limits of ‘I Will Know it When I See It” at SFBayACM
- August 21 “Ten Mistakes Bootstrappers Make Starting Their Business” Bootstrappers Breakfast San Francisco
- July 29 “Tweet, Blog, or News? How Do Engineers Stay Current” at Design Automation Conference, San Francisco
- July 29 “Managing Project Health” at Design Automation Conference, San Francisco
- July 27-29 “Global Teams and Multi-Firm Collaboration” sessions in Synopsys “Conversation Central” at Design Automation Conference, San Francisco
- March 19 “Leveraging Your Referral Network to Grow Your Business” at Bay Area Business Growth Meetup
- January 20 “Cultivating Communities to Get More Customers” part of Marketing Consultants Forum at IEEE-CNSV
- Nov 2008 “Ten Business Books in One Hour for the Busy High-Tech Executive” at Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE Technological Management Council (see blog posts Nov-4-2008 and Oct-5-2008 )
- March 2008 SDWest conference offers both business and technology tracks and has an interesting mix of sessions for software entrepreneurs. Visit our Startup Resource Center at Booth #318
- Feb 2008 “Leveraging Your Social Network to Find Early Customers” SDForum
- Jan 24 People-OnTheGo‘s Lunch & Learn webinar: “Wiki Use Case: Managing Team Meetings: Agendas, Minutes and Tasks”
- Nov 2007 “Crucial Marketing Concepts for Startups”, SF Bay ACM
- Oct 2007 “Now What? Post Launch Growth Plan“, KASE Entrepreneur Seminar. Podcast and transcript available.
- July 2007 Chairing panel “Scaling Up Product Development” StartupEpicenter
- July 2007 “From Idea to Revenue”, TVC Center for Commercialization and Entrepreneurial Training Seminar – Entering the Entrepreneurial World
- May 2007 “Crucial Technology Marketing for the Busy Consultant”, PATCA
- April 2007 “Crucial Marketing Concepts for Startups” by Sean Murphy and Mark Duncan, MarketingConceptsArticle.pdf
- Feb. 2007 “Ten Tips for Leveraging Blogs and Wikis in Your Consulting Practices”, IEEE CNSV
- Dec. 2006 “Twelve Business Books in One Hour for the Busy CEO“, SDForum
- April 2006 “10 Tips on Blogs and Wikis for the Professional Service Firm”, EPIC
- March 2006 Article in American Journal of Public Health: “Systems Analysis of Real-World Obstacles to Successful Cervical Cancer Prevention in Developing Countries” by Dr. Eric Suba and Sean K. Murphy et al. [Abstract]
- Jan. 2006 “Lessons Learned from First Three Years Consulting” presented at Institute of Management Consultants breakfast meeting in San Jose
- Dec. 2005 “Five Phase Planning”, RETRO
- June 2005 “Business of EDA Standards”, Design Automation Conference
- Oct 2004 “Business of EDA Standards” at Synopsys EDA Interoperability Developers’ Forum