Working Capital Vol.1:
It Takes More Than Money
Working capital from three different perspectives–financial, intellectual, and social. Gain a better understanding of how the three types of working capital operate to establish and scale a viable business.
Working Capital: It Takes More Than Money
by Sean K. Murphy
In this book I analyze working capital from three different perspectives–financial, intellectual, and social. I provide entrepreneurs with practical advice for navigating startup challenges, capitalizing on existing business assets, and identifying prospects.
For financial capital, I address the real costs of market exploration and product validation and verification.
For intellectual capital, I explore the term’s practical meaning, and explain how entrepreneurs can curate their domain knowledge to improve their venture.
For social capital, I offer suggestions for growing business networks and enhancing reputation. I also explain how increasing your social capital creates value for your startup.
My goal is for entrepreneurs to gain a better understanding of how these three types of working capital operate, so that they can use them to establish and scale a viable business.
“The book is concise, yet grounded in principles that have been tested and assessed through Sean’s years of client work. It is built on a strong intellectual foundation, yet is presented in a way that is both accessible and practical.”
Bob Biglin

Sean Murphy has worked in a variety of roles over the last forty years: as a software engineer, engineering manager, project manager, in business development, product marketing, and customer support.
Sean has experience working for startups in co-founder and early employee roles as well as in management positions in large companies. He has been on both sides of the table: selling new technology developed by startups to large firms and acquiring it from startups and shepherding its adoption in large firms. He has often acted as a change agent inside of larger firms, helping to foster significant process improvements in engineering, support, and marketing functions. These changes often relied on the integration of outside technologies with internally developed capabilities, where the combination enabled significant improvements in the value of existing products or services to customers.
The material in this book is based on his direct experience working for companies large and small as both a technology developer and as an internal system integrator for engineering teams, negotiating software license deals for tools that were incorporated into internal service processes.
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