SaaS Roundtable: VARs in a SaaS World

In a SaaS world where tools are more integrated and customizable, are VARs going away? How do SaaS companies reach customers? How should we compensate sales people? As a sales person, how will I make money if I work for a SaaS company? At this roundtable discussion we will exchange tips and gotchas and provide a look at the impact on business models, teams and product development.

Tuesday April 8 2008, 11:30 – 1:00 pm
Plug & Play Tech Center 440 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale, California 94085
Cost for lunch: $20 After April 2 $30

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About the Roundtable Leaders

Anthony Scampavia
At SKMurphy, he provides consulting for Software Startups focusing on Early Customer, Early Revenue

  • Reviewing and defining product release and test strategies
  • Developing test and development sandbox environments focusing on automated regressions and system level testing

Prior to SKMurphy, Anthony was a Director at Cisco Systems. He managed the growth from 1 test engineer to a division of 280 employees in multiple sites, and 20,000 sq ft of test labs. Anthony holds a BA in Computer Science from University of California at San Diego.

Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy has taken an entrepreneurial approach to life since he could drive. He has served as an advisor to dozens of startups, helping them explore new options and bring their businesses to new levels. His firm, SKMurphy, Inc., focuses on early customers and early revenue for software startups, helping engineers to understand business development.

Prior to SKMurphy, Sean worked in a variety of areas including software engineering, engineering management, application engineering, business development, product marketing and customer support. He has worked at Cisco Systems, 3Com, AMD, MMC Networks, Escalade and VLSI Technology. Sean holds a BS in Mathematical Sciences and an MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.

2 thoughts on “SaaS Roundtable: VARs in a SaaS World”

  1. Pingback: SKMurphy » Feedback From Today’s SaaS Roundtable

  2. Pingback: SKMurphy » Recession Requires A Focus on Revenue

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